The Ultimate Christmas Movie Rating

My sister and I (Sofia) have a tradition of starting to watch all kinds of christmas movies as soon as the christmas spirit starts lurking around the corner. This year we started early in November and no matter how bad a movie looks or sounds, we are pulling through! Now it is time to share this post with you, considering the first advent is just a few days away. I am rating all movies we watch in this “Ultimate Christmas Movie Rating”. Almost all of the movies I am rating here can be found on Netflix (or at least the German Netflix). Some of these movies are old, some are new, some I am rewatching and some are completely new to me!

I will update this post every time I watch another movie, so come back for more. Enjoy!

NOTE: This post represents my personal opinion on the movies mentioned, meaning just because I didn’t enjoy a certain movie, doesn’t mean you won’t or that the movie is all over good/bad. Tastes differ.

Movies rated in this post:

  1. Holidate
  2. Christmas Land
  3. My Christmas Inn
  4. Broadcasting Christmas
  5. Christmas Wonderland
  6. Operation Christmas Drop
  7. Rise of the Guardians
  8. Christmas Made To Order
  9. Christmas Under Wraps
  10. A Belle For Christmas
  11. The Princess Switch: Switched Again
  12. Jingle Jangle Journey
  13. Dolly Parton’s Christmas on the Square
  14. The Christmas Chronicles
  15. The Christmas Chronicles 2
  16. The Grinch
  17. Angela’s Christmas and Angela’s Christmas Wish
  18. Dirty Office Party
  19. Midnight at the Magnolia
  20. Just Another Christmas
  21. The Holiday
  22. Serendipity
  23. Alien X-Mas
  24. The Star
  25. A California Christmas
  26. Holiday in the Wild

1) Holidate (2020)

This Netflix Original has already gotten a lot of attention and I got to admit, it deserves it! While this is not strictly a christmas movie, it’s a holiday movie and christmas still plays a big role in it!

Rating: 4 out of 5.

2) Christmas Land (2015)

I didn’t enjoy this movie, even though I love the idea of a “Christmas Land” but the fact that she throws away her career like she does and the attitude of the male main character of being all salty about her decisions and some other points in the plot are ruining this movie for me.

Rating: 1 out of 5.

3) My Christmas Inn (2018)

This movie had the same structure as “Christmas Land”. Someone inherits a buisness and is expected to take it over but has a life where that doesn’t quite fit in. It is very predictable. But I liked this movie better because first of all it doesn’t have the “I love you after two weeks”-trope and because she didn’t just randomly decide to turn around her life.

Rating: 2 out of 5.

4) Broadcasting Christmas (2016)

I’d say this movie is a rather neutral one. It doesn’t have anything particular bad or problematic but also nothing outstandingly good. It’s an alright movie so it gets half the stars. Also we liked the dynamics of the two main characters.

Rating: 3 out of 5.

5) Christmas Wonderland (2018)

I didn’t like a lot about this movie! I don’t even know what to say about it. However I did like the main characters (played by Emily Osment, who some of us learned to love in Hannah Montana) ambitions and her work.

Rating: 2 out of 5.

6) Operation Christmas Drop (2020)

This movie brings christmas to the tropics. It is also inspired by a true story, which makes it even better! I really enjoyed this movie, apart from one thing: the gecko, why was it animated? Couldn’t they afford a real one?

Rating: 4 out of 5.

7) Rise of the Guardians (2012)

I saw this movie in the cinema, as a child, when it was first released and I am still in love with it! I love the characters (especially the Sandman Sandy) and am still hoping there will be a second part some day. It also includes other holidays apart from Christmas but it is made for this time of the year through and through.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

8) Christmas Made To Order (2018)

I did not have high expectations for this one but I was happily surprised about the story line. I really enjoyed thos movie. The characters are loveable and relateable and the main character’s love for the holidays is just contagious.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

9) Christmas Under Wraps (2014)

I hate saying this, but I didn’t like anything about this movie but the message of following your heart while still listening to your mind. Although it brings along the small town christmas spirit, the actors performance isn’t great and the characters are not as three dimensional as I hoped.

Rating: 0.5 out of 5.

10) A Belle For Christmas (2014)

I didn’t have a lot of expectations for this movie and I was right. I’m sorry to say that the people making this movie have never heard children speak. However I believe children would enjoy this movie, it’s just not as good for adults.

Rating: 1.5 out of 5.

11) The Princess Switch: Switched Again (2020)

Now, this one is of course the Part 2 of “The Princess Switch”, which was released last year. I got to say, I liked the first one better but this movie was still very entertaining. There were some intrigues happening, which always stress me out in movies but I liked that the ones here didn’t go on as long. And also, Margarets ouftits are bomb!

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

12) Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey (2020)

I had very high expectations for this movie because the cover already looks so magical and what fits together better than christmas and magic? Also, I was not disappointed. The animations are adorable, the story and the message are beautiful, the cast is awesome and I want a Buddy 3000 (and I’m not even a child anymore). This is a children movie, that adults will also enjoy!

Rating: 5 out of 5.

13) Dolly Parton’s Christmas on the Square (2020)

So, I wasn’t completely sure what to expect from this one and I gotta say I did not expect it to be a full on musical! I have never seen a Dolly Parton movie so maybe that is why, but for me it was just too much singing. The plot was okay, the story was nice but nothing too special. If you don’t like musicals this one isn’t for you, if you do however or just really like Dolly Parton you will love it!

Rating: 2.5 out of 5.

14) The Christmas Chronicles (2018)

Me and my sister were rewatching this movie, in honor of the second part coming out, so it is safe to assume that we really like it! Santa is portrayed different than what we are used to (way cooler) and Kate is so sweet. The elves are just the cutest elves I have ever seen in cinematography and it is a very modern christmas story. Again a movie for young and old to enjoy!

Rating: 5 out of 5.

15) The Christmas Chronicles 2 (2020)

As already mentioned, the second part came out a few days ago and we watched it right away. There were things I loved about this movie, like the thousand of elves (they are so cute!!!), seeing the village and also getting to know the wonderful Mrs. Claus. She was probably my favourite thing about this movie. However I did like the first one better because this one was, in my opinion, a bit more stressful and I just can’t handle knowing things, the main characters don’t.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

16) Dr. Seuss’ How The Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)

An oldie but a goodie. Almost everyone knows the Grinch and it is a great movie for christmas time. I love this movie, it is weird, the grinch has tons of relatable stuff to say, Jim Carrey’s acting is great and Cindy Lou and May are adorable. Also, the who’s love for christmas is contagious, if I may say so.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

17) Angela’s Christmas (2017) / Angela’s Christmas Wish (2020)

I am putting these two movies together because they are very short and we watched them directly after one another. They tell cute stories about little Angela and are very light and easy to watch. They truly are childrens movies but they also warm our adult hearts.

Rating: 3 out of 5.

18) Dirty Office Party (2016)

I was not quite sure what to expect from this movie, but as soon as I saw Jennifer Aniston, I knew it had to be quite good. This movie was funny and entertaining. It was chaotic but so fun to watch. The women in this movie are badass and save the day and the men are wonderful idiots.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

19) Midnight at the Magnolia (2020)

I couldn’t find a great trailer for this movie to be honest. Hopefully this one gives you a good idea about the movie

Now, I’m not so sure about this one. The story was cute but kind of predictable and I feel like the dialog between the two main characters, who are best friends, don’t really sound like what best friends talk like to each other (in my experience) however I did like their dynamics and the dads are very cute.

Rating: 2 out of 5.

20) Just Another Christmas (2020)

This is a Brasilian movie and I am not that familiar with Brasilian movies. However this movie was really entertaining and had me cheering on the main character (who by teh way really reminds me of Mark Wahlberg). He is basically stuck in a time loop of christmases but keeps getting older and only remembers christmas day every year. Very fun, very entertaining, full of emotions and a nice family story.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

21) The Holiday (2006)

Filled with great actors and romance, this movie will always be a favourite! The characters are great. It is funny but romantic and gives us the perfect contrast between a snowy small town christmas and a L.A. luxury one. If you have not seen this movie, what are you even doing?

Rating: 5 out of 5.

22) Serendipity (2001)

This movie used to be my favourite movie when I was younger and it has been a long time since I had watched it last and I got reminded of why I loved it then and love it now. This movie is so wonderfully frustating and makes us believe in destiny. Also the side characters are really fun, like the best friends and the shop assistant!

Rating: 5 out of 5.

23) Alien X-Mas (2020)

It was a little confusing at first and a bit boring for adults, I guess, I had a hard time concentrating on the movie (although it is quite short). However the story and especially the ending and the whole message of the movie are very cute and I think children would love this movie.

Rating: 3 out of 5.

24) The Star (2017)

Watching this movie wasn’t planned, because it came on television but oh I glad I am I saw it! It is a childrens movie, yes, but it is truly adorable and a wonderful retelling of the nativity story. Very cute characters and also funny to watch.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

25) A California Christmas (2020)

This movie starts with an intrigue right away, which I do not usually enjoy and it is obvious that the main character will be exposed but it is a nice love story. The dynamics between the main character’s driver and the real Manny are really funny and you can get quite invested in the story if this kind of movie is your cup of tea.

Rating: 2.5 out of 5.

26) Holiday in the Wild (2019)

I rewatched this movie this year, because I really enjoyed it the last time I saw it. I love how it raises awareness of the endangerment of elephants and of the organisations caring for them that are in danger because they don’t get the needed money. Furthermore I like how it is not a traditional christmas movie and shows you the christmas traditions in other parts of the world while still presenting a great story and romance.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

So, as it is the 25th of december now that I am writing this, I am pretty sure that this is my finished christmas movie rating and I have successfully watched 26 christmas movies in 2020. I know that there are a lot more out there to see and trust me I can not wait for next year, for new ones and old favourites.

Let me know how you like this post. Which movie is your favourite? Is there a movie you watch every year? Which movie gets you into the christmas spirit the most?

Check back next year and Merry Christmas!

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